8pm. Living room. Music, friends, drinks and food. Muffled thunder. I walked in the unlit bedroom and opened the window, smelling the gentle rain in which stood a black-clothed man. When watering the land with a hose, he encounters a dying octopus. After a bite, he retains it in a fish tank. He takes a …

Since She

Chairs painted in matte black. Dancers dressed in black too. Probably it is not pure black as it reflects blue light, the recognizable kind from Papaioannou's palette. Men are still in suits, but their pleated pants become slim now. Gowns get shorter with a variety of designs. Is it a Pina's new piece or Papaioannou's? In …

Tamer, Tamer

Pizza à la Casa becomes a after-show ritual at La Villette for me. After the Festival d'Avignon, Memory of The Great Tamer has already been distorted. During the show, I compared it, rectified it, reinforced it. The universe is the Great Tamer and the delicate surface the Earth. On the instable and delicate playground, the earth …